favourite iPad app??

I don't really have a favorite app. What I love seeing in iPad apps is clever use of the bigger screen size. Apps like IMDB, Sky Sports, Flipboard and YouTube have nailed it. iOS 7 looks like it will be great for iPad :)
Can't limit it to just one.
The ones I use constantly are:
GoodReader - Document reader and organiser
Evernote - Notes synced wirelessly between all my machines
Pulse - News reader for News channels and Papers
River ofNews- RSS feeds
BlogShelf - Blogs I keep track of.
I don't think of apps in terms of "favourites", but the ones I find myself using most often are:

- Dropbox
- GoodReader
- Mashable
- Flipboard (my app of choice for browsing Facebook and other sites)
- Friendly (when I need to do stuff on Facebook)
- SkyGrid (personalized news/feed aggregator)
- ForScore (music score eReader)
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