Unable to install Microsoft office any version on windows 7


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Hey all, long time no sees.

I am unable to install ANY version of ms office on a windows 7 laptop.

Gives me some registry error that "cannot access or you do not have permission to modify"

The account is admin
I have clicked "run as administrator" - still won't install
I have used register cleaners such as ccleaner and regseeker - still won't install
comp is virus and malware free - still won't install
I have tried installing in windows xp mode - still won't install
have tried installing in safe mode - still won't install

I have also tried the ms office fix/removal tool, which I cant find the link to, but it said it removed all previous versions of it and took about 10 min to complete, Ill post link when I find it.

Will edit with exact message installer gives me.

Any suggestions?

The exact error message the installer gives me is:
Error 1402 Setup cannot open the registry key unknown32\.wll\word.addin.8\shellnew. verify permissions etc etc "

I am trying this command from a google search

secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose - This did not work, still wont install.
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Have you tried creating a new, temp user account with Admin access? It's possible there's something corrupt with that profile, restricting it from installing correctly.
Thanks for all your replies,

I tried all your suggestions, none of them worked, same error occurred each time.

I just said F it and installed open office.
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