Pot Legalized in Denver

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matt2m said:

people need to stop trying to change others and try to make others feel bad about there decisions.Its not cool to smoke pot its not cool to be strait edge it is a choice.
i smoke weed because I choose to and I have paid for my choice.
it is great that your srait edge static thats your choice not mine.

LMFAO would you be talking about the time your dumass friend came out and the cops got you both. Yes you pay for it but that time was not your fault was his but still s*** happens and it can happen to anyone for something.
Dark_Sniper* said:
I also have to say this lol alot and i mean maybe 50% people that smoke weed are in the computer area.

That's because their loosers who need drugs to escape life.
yah i am talking about that and i have a court date on dec 7 i gave some *****es some of my marlboro reds 100s and they got caught by a cop and they pointed me out.Them dam hoes they were over me for a cigs and then they rat on me.
God **** it i cant catch a break :lol:
so i got trespassing and the bullshit charge of possesion of tobaco by a minor i get a court date for cigs and not weed go figure.

That's because their loosers who need drugs to escape life.

no we just choose to smoke weed you did not so it does not make us losers ass-hole.

I also have to say this lol alot and i mean maybe 50% people that smoke weed are in the computer area.
its kinda funny most of the smart people i know are major burnouts
Alright, I'm not trying to steer a person one way or the other, simply stating what I think. If I see someone smoking pot at school or on the street its not like i go up to them and start preaching sXe stuff about it.
I wouldn't have a problem if i seen it (sure id be kinda mad at what our world is becomming ) but i dont confront the person unless they bring it to me... then when they do that, THATS when i say stuff
i think it's funny that the people with no experience with marijuana are the ones knocking it and saying how bad it is. they're the ones trying to compare it to other drugs out there, even though it's drastically different. infact, there are natural receptors in our brains for cannabinoids (chemicals in marijuana). that's alot different than chemically-created unatural made-in-your-basement type of hard drugs that literally poison your body, inducing a "high"

i think there's too many dumbass burnouts that give weed a bad rep. people say it makes you lose motivation, but that's not entirely true. studies show that people that lack motivation to begin with lose more motivation if they use marijuana alot. however, people that actually have some motivation in their life aren't affected negatively because of pot.

the lazy burnout stoners are not lazy because they smoke weed. they smoke weed because they're lazy and do nothing to begin with. weed just makes being bored a little more exciting.

and at least those stoners aren't dying of liver failure or lung cancer (before people flame, marijuana is proven to have MUCH less carcinogens than cigarettes, making it low-risk for cancer). also, its a million times safer to use than alcohol or any other drug for that matter...it's virtually impossible to overdose on, a few good hits (vs. a few good shots) won't impair your driving ability very much (also proven in a recent study), and as mentioned before NO pothead is going to kill or steal for weed...
...he may consider it, but will ultimately say "nah, **** it"... (lol)

long story short, if you use it, you understand. if you don't, you probably still have your mind closed and probably didn't even read this entire post.

in regards to the Denver law, I don't think it matters a whole lot. If you're smart about smoking weed, you shouldn't even have any issues with it and the law. Don't drive with it in your pocket, don't consent to a vehicle search (yes, you do have that right), just use common sense.

that is all
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