GNOME vs Win8


Beta member
New Zealand
In my opinion, GNOME shell is the successful version of the windows 8 touch and desktop interface. What do you think? I must admit, I haven't used it on a tablet, but the work great on desktop and look good for touch too. It's not you tradition menu/program launcher taskpanel, but I've found the activities centre great for launching application and switching between windows. My one complicate would be that minimize and maximize buttons are disabled by default, but these can be enabled. Metro kinda fails, I don't like the fact that it has separate metro apps, as well as desktop versions. So Microsoft, take a look at GNOME, "the better windows 8"

Tell me if you agree, how do you like Gnome and windows 8. I used fedora with Gnome shell for just under a year before switching to Ubuntu GNOME for better dual boot abilities.
Gnome is what makes sense to me for a basic interface though when you have multiple monitors it starts getting wierd.

I prefer AwesomeWM and MATE most of the time though.
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