Read all Ubuntu posts but still no help.

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i believe basically it's providing you with a modification to make to the source code of the driver. make the changes to the corresponding file and then follow the instructions to compile and then load the module.

if you've never compiled anything before you will first need to get the "build" packages. they can be conveniently installed by entering sudo apt-get install build-essential in a terminal window. after you have the packages get the source, extract to a folder (i normally use /home/user/sources, where user is your user), make the changes to the source then "cd" to the directory on the command line. then run:
./configure --with-cards=ca0106
make && make install
Go to the official ubuntu forums. There are hundreds of times the amount of people on their forums as there are here, and I'm sure someone has had the same problem as you. Ask and they are very willing and quick to help.

I'm not trying to downplay anyone's knowledge of Ubuntu here on these forums, but it just seems to make more sense to get help from Ubuntu's forums. I'd definitely recommend it.
No you are right Schecters. It would be wise to get it right from the forum dedicated to the software. As they most likely do have more knowledge or at least get some people who helped program the OS to get a answer to help you. ;)
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