What's the first thing you do when you get home with a new game?

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I'm one who opens the packaging slowly then blows through the installation process. I never register nor do I participate in any online surveys. I find most of the manuals next to useless except for the larger strategy game manuals. The next thing I do is set everything up (controls and graphics ) and then launch the game for a test run.

I rarely purchase titles anymore because of the ease of finding ripped titles on the net. It's very hard to spend $80-$200 a week on titles that might not be good. For now I download demos and install the odd rip to check the game out. I only purchase games if they require an original key to play online. Halflife was a purchase because I wanted Counter Strike and a fresh key.


I'm one who opens the packaging slowly then blows through the installation process. I never register nor do I participate in any online surveys. I find most of the manuals next to useless except for the larger strategy game manuals. The next thing I do is set everything up (controls and graphics ) and then launch the game for a test run.

I rarely purchase titles anymore because of the ease of finding ripped titles on the net. It's very hard to spend $80-$200 a week on titles that might not be good. For now I download demos and install the odd rip to check the game out. I only purchase games if they require an original key to play online. Halflife was a purchase because I wanted Counter Strike and a fresh key.

Re: Well.....

form said:

Halflife was a purchase because I wanted Counter Strike and a fresh key.


lol wish i had done that, i got a copy of it and it took me for ages to get a valid key to play online.:)
Re: Well.....

form said:

Halflife was a purchase because I wanted Counter Strike and a fresh key.


lol wish i had done that, i got a copy of it and it took me for ages to get a valid key to play online.:)
Considering the purchase price was $20 I had to buy it for myself. Actually, one halflife key will support 2 clients so I hooked up my roomate with a free copy. The only catch is you can't be in the same server. So at $10 a piece you truly can't go wrong.

Considering the purchase price was $20 I had to buy it for myself. Actually, one halflife key will support 2 clients so I hooked up my roomate with a free copy. The only catch is you can't be in the same server. So at $10 a piece you truly can't go wrong.

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