What is the significance of a Testing Environment In IT?

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For instance if we have a Information Technology Department supporting 500 employees in an Organization. So what is the importance of Testing Environment in this case ?
Basically if you're supporting that many employees, you want to make sure that whatever changes you make aren't going to backfire on you. For example:

Applying a patch to our base 'workstation image' is probably going to be a good thing, but we check/test anyway. As it turns out, patch 10.6.4 for Snow Leopard made quite a few machines crash/freeze. If we'd just installed it and upgraded everyone to the latest new workstation image, everyone would be freezing/crashing and that would NOT be fun :p

General stuff like that is why testing is so important. I'd always recommend it, along with researching any changes you're thinking of making.
In any large environment you wanna have a network of multiple machines like the ones your company/building already uses. This way, before you add new hardware, or updates, instead of spending a lot of cash on something that could screw with something that's needed, you spend a bit on a bit, test it, and if it fails, you aren't out a lot of time, nor money fixing machines, if it works, then well, you can go on with confidence that it will work.

This also helps you get things straightened out with other techs that will be doing the install if it's in a huge network, such as 1k+ computers
In my internship position the company I worked for had 3 environments: Test, DEV and Production. The test environment was not only for initially testing deployed software before release, but also for training new employees on our software. Development was the messiest environment, and only software developers could touch it - this was for testing software pre-test, since we didn't want to mess up the software used for training employees.

In the web design portion of my job I just had 2 domain names - Staging and Production - the staging environment just had an "s" thrown into the domain name, so you could look at your alterations to the site before you redid them in production. I DO mean to say that you had to take the steps you took to change the site in staging in production, rather than just copy and paste. These steps were taken to assure no unwanted/discarded changes from staging leaked into production.
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