Problem with Office/Open Office.


In Runtime
I have some paper work files for work that are very important and for some reason the text boxes aren't showing.

I did the work on two separate computers with win7 and MS office.(at work) Im currently trying Open Office(at home) on both my win8 desktop and my old Vista laptop. The files open but only the template info remains. None of the text boxes are showing. I have tried to re save in every different option OO gives me. (currently they are .docx) I have also looked through tool bar options with no luck.

There are 25 files in one folder. 11 or 12 were done on the first computer this morning. I used one of those files as a template for the rest I did on the second computer tonight. Im home now and only the files in that folder are not working. Everything else i tried on the thumb drive is fine.
I have done this thousands of times with no problems.

*Disclaimer* I did remove the drive without "safely removing" when I left for the night.

Im hoping like hell that its just some problem with OO and it will be fine at work tomorrow. But this is a potential headache for a client and certainly a loss of some loot. So if it doesnt work im hoping someone might have some clue as to what is going on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I did remove the drive without "safely removing" when I left for the night.
That'll definitely lead to corrupt files, which sounds like what has happened

I know of an issue with the Dell/Lexmark printers and open office not getting along. You can try updating to a newer version called Libre Office. Libre Office came about because the programmers that originally wrote Open Office left after a dispute with Oracle (Oracle bought Open Office at that time) and they left and started Libre Office as an Open Office replacement. I honestly think it's even better that Open Office.
You can get it here:
LibreOffice 4.1 is here!

Btw: after a quick look I see that Oracle has given up on Open Office and has handed it over to Apache:
Oracle gives OpenOffice to Apache | ZDNet
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Thanks for the reply. Im back at work now and they load fine.

I just kinda panicked last night when it didnt work.

Ill look into libre also.
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