Petition for Blizzard to release Linux Clients.


Beta member

If we spread this everywhere and get a ton of support it might make a difference. Having Activision on board for Linux gaming would be a serious deal and a message to every other developer out there that Linux gaming is only going to keep getting bigger and it would be in their best interest to support us.
It will also further OpenGL-Next adoption which is in everyone's best interest.

It only takes a moment to sign, and if it does make a difference you will know you were a part of it.
They won't go back and make current games Linux friendly... Maybe in the future.

In all honesty it isn't hard to get the games to work on Linux, and even developers have commented playing games like Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 on *Nix.
I feel like steam releasing a free linux-based OS soon will greatly shift the tides of open source operating systems for gamers which will also affect marketable decisions from these big companies down the road.

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FYI the CEO or someone important responded. It was a no, but the fact that they responded at all is pretty big.
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