gift ideas

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i'm not sure what to buy my bro for his 8th birthday tomorrow. i believe my mom is already buying him a game for gamecube.. so it might be kinda lame to get the same thing.. i can't really think of anything he would like.. he's mainly into video games.. he has a gamecube and gameboy advance (his ps2 and ps1 are dead)

i thought maybe a remote controlled car.... thats about it..

can you guys help me with gift ideas for an 8yr old dennis the menace? i'll prolly spend around $20-$40

Scrabble. When he ****es you off, you can make him eat the tiles, and give him double-word score if he chokes momentarily on one. Triple word score if he has to go to the hospital.

Not only that, it'll get him away from the TV.
My little brother is 8 and he likes to play the Sims, there are a few of those games for Gamecube. Otherwise any of the Mario titles; kids love racing, too.
How about Yu-Gi-Oh cards or action figures? Are they still popular?

Or some cheap kids DVD's at Wal-Mart...
LEGOs are the best, I still love them. I used to have them all the time, till my brother pawned them off. I say get him a nice lego kit, I got this really cool castle-ish set and it was great. The only problem is that to really make some cool custom stuff you need a lot of legos. But a simple kit will do fine, gives you all the peices and insturctions to build it.

Gets him off the games and use his mind for something other then Mario.

I love legos, but they are an expensive hobbie. I would have to start from scratch as I don't have any of them left. I just liked making quick flying contraptions when I was bored. There is just so many things to do with legos if you have the money for a bunch.
I think Lego's are a fad though. They WERE good, as well as Pokemon cards and pog's.

Have you thought of getting a Gameboy accessory, like a screen magnifier or a light?
Legos are a fad!?!? I'm 35 and I still sit and build stuff with them!!! even if the kid is not in the same room... but I guess I am just a mechanic at heart, cause now it's all about how much detail can I put into a project! :D
Buy him a cheap lightsaber from Wal*Mart. That's what I played with when I was 8....although I'm not a boy, but I'm sure he'd like it just the same xD.
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