Feeling a little lost

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Daemon Poster
Hey all, I was a regular here a long time ago but life kind of took over and I drifted away :p

Anyways, here's my current situation:

I was enrolled in Software Engineering @ UOIT (www.uoit.ca), a 4 year Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) program. However, I really hated it. First year drained me of any will to pursue this program any further, and I switched into an IT program at UOIT.

The IT program is a 4-year Bachelors of Information Technology (Honours) program and allows you to specialize in either IT Security or Networking; however a new program is rolling out that combines the two into one stream. I was attracted to this program since it prepares me in 3 Cisco certs (CCIE being the last one!) and pretty much is a broad education that combines computer science with commerce, two things I love.

Here's where I'm a little confused, I don't know what to do with this new degree. IT jobs are ever changing, and I want to market myself a bit more while I'm still in school to perhaps secure a sweet position at a company I actually want to work for. However, here's where I'm lost: I don't know what I want to do for who. I love IT, I love computers, I love everything about my program, I just don't know what to do with it. Seems a little silly, but I'm being serious.
What to do with it? Anything you want. Seriously.

With Cisco certs, as well as training in network security, you could hook up with any major corporation and either hang in the data center or be a road warior sent out to handle problems in various facilities.

Get involved with some type of work-study. the company I work for employs a lot of college students over the summer to give them practical experience in their field of study. They also have the LDP (Leadership Development Plan) that takes a college grad and trains them for three years or more, across three different facilities, after which they move into leadership positions within the company.

If something like that sounds interesting to you, PM me and I will point you in the right direction.
just focus on something, anything...don't end up like me, lol
you can finish and get a degree, and people will still hire you for anything that could be totally unrelated to the degree you have...that's a perk I guess of getting a degree. But a big reason why I hated the whole idea...HOWEVER, I suggest noone hate that idea...get a degree and get a job that just wants you to have one and you're set ;)
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