Converting to MAC ~ YIKES!

It all comes down to preference in my opinion.
I have Windows, Mac and Linux at home and they work well.
It depends on what you want to do, I bought my MacBook to use for school and to get a feel of Mac when I started my job, as there are a lot of profs that use them.
I must say this though, the "Macs don't crash or slow down" thing is a myth.
Though they maybe screw up less often, but I found that when they do, they screw up big.
But maybe that is because the ones I see are being used in an enterprise environment.
Haven't had an issue with my personal one yet. (use it very little though)

Nice image carnage XD
Well, I ran into my first MAC yesterday that was a dog. Slow, could not get a print driver to load, etc. I told the guy he needed to call Apple and have them fix it. I think he has too much junk on there, who knows. Usually you don't see a MAC running slow and behaving like a large majority of Windows computers. That was a first for me!
Well, I ran into my first MAC yesterday that was a dog. Slow, could not get a print driver to load, etc. I told the guy he needed to call Apple and have them fix it. I think he has too much junk on there, who knows. Usually you don't see a MAC running slow and behaving like a large majority of Windows computers. That was a first for me!

Not for me. I worked at a university and saw both PC and Macs.
To me the issue with OSX has always been software more than the os itself. Windows has more and better software for the vast majority of tasks, especially if you are looking for free software.

The Mac stability thing is a myth too, I have seen far more app crashes on my work Macbook Pro than I have on any Windows 7 or 8 system.
Is it true that 80% if the virus came from the windows? and 20% is from mac?

I assume you mean "affect" not "come from."

Not sure what the percentages would be, but yes, Windows would have a higher infection rate. This is because it is the most popular platform. Why would malware/virus writers want to write viruses for a platform that's not majority market share (i.e. non-Windows systems)? They want to make money just like everyone else out there, and they do that by writing malicious software towards the most-used platform: Windows.

OSX still can, and does, get infected - it's just not as widespread because it's a minority platform. Same goes with *nix.
I have Parallels and having windows and mac on one system is great. I have just a macbook core2duo and I have win 7 and mac os mountain Lion, runs fine and have best of both world. FIrst mac I owned and I appreciate the simplicity that it serves but still a PC guy and some things on Mac do not come as eas to me. Like mac, but love open-source pc.
Firstly...Mac has good applications,good display,no errors on oS and good navigation...But REALLY who would want to wait 30 minutes for deleting a 700 mb movie,who would want to get a computer where you cant upgrade anything like gpu,ram etc,and in a world where everything is so complicated.For one thing its very unique and you can see for yourself effort and effective thinking was put to build the device but its really not worth it...If you want to use it for multimedia purposes i advice you to get a "Mac" but if you are a gamer get a "Pc"...And think of it despite everything else what kind of a pc would you build for the amount of a mac...Yes Pc's have there bad sides,But they are easy to upgrade and fix...and you get free softwares and games too.And unlike Mac which has fixed graphics(Hd 4000) pc has a variety to choose from.Which leads to a Conclusion from me saying "The choice is yours"Good luck
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