Ahh I love working retail

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The other day I sold an external hdd to a guy at work. The only one we had left was one that war returned and we had re-shrink-wrapped it.

Well about a half an hour later the guy comes back and is like you sold me a hdd full of porn. Apparently whoever returned the hdd had filled it with porn before doing so.

The guy almost gave it to his kid for Christmas lol
That's hilarious :)
It's times like that I love working retail too. Like once we had this guy who brought in his computer for a spyware/virus removal. His desktop and My Docs folder were absolutely loaded with porn-even his background I think. He also had a porno dvd in the optical drive when he dropped it off. The guy was really..um...big and unnatractive. G od that was funny lol :D
Soundmaster2.0 said:
The other day I sold an external hdd to a guy at work. The only one we had left was one that war returned and we had re-shrink-wrapped it.

Well about a half an hour later the guy comes back and is like you sold me a hdd full of porn. Apparently whoever returned the hdd had filled it with porn before doing so.

The guy almost gave it to his kid for Christmas lol
One of the reasons why I alway make sure that i check and Sercure Erase the drive in those situations.
Where I used to work, we always had folks RMAing hard drives that were perceived to be dead.......... I'd say a good 90% of the ones that test good had some sort of pornographic content on them.
We had a guy bring in a ibook filled with porn once that he DID give to his kid. The funny thing is, the guy didnt eve care. He just wanted a new one.
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