halo 2 modding?

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can someone give me instructions as to how to mod halo 2 maps for xbox. yes my xbox is modded.

and is it possible to have a gun that shoots out warthogs
that would be awsome
and it would also be cool to have a gun that shoots plasma granades.
Try searching http://www.halomods.com and see if you can find anything. If not, I could explain it, but it might take a little while. You can make a gun shoot plasma grenades, not sure about the warthog, though. That might be a little more difficult.
I don't play Xbox live, I play Xlink Kai, and when I want to use mods I go into the mods section. If I am playing in a normal arena I will use the disc so there aren't any mods. I hate cheaters, too. I mod for fun, not to win.
Ya u can have a gun that shoots warthogs, those flying things
(havent played that game in ages cant member the name of them) u can have a rocket launcher that shoots 1000 rockets for every one rocket

there are some crazy mods out there
I've never modded but I've heard it's not worth it. People that I talked to say that you get banned after you log out of xbox live, so the onyl advantage is leveling someone else up thats playing with you.
true, true

I mean, i used to mod halo, for pc, it was fun, but we never ****ed with people in regular servers
Modding really isnt worth it. I used to be a chronic modder and got bored of it because it gets hard finding 2 month free trials after getting banned. Try Network Bridging its the new way to cheat on halo2 and you dont get banned.
ok, modding ISNT WORTH IT. I modded for a couple months on xlink/xbc (got banned from xbl for upgrading hdd in da box, doh!). Anyways, it was an adreneline rush you could say at first, but after a while it got SOOOO boring and time consumng (I coded my own mods). I really wish I wouldnt have honestly, real big waste of time and humiliating. Its not the greatest thing have 15 other people verbally abusing you for modding. After a month or so I just made "fun" mods (ie: making rocket shoot out of the worthog when you honked the horn, etc ). anyways, my advise to you is to make your own mods, only do it for "fun" (like I did, beleive me, its MUCH more enjoyable than modding to win), and to only use it at lans or xlink becuase you will get banned from xbl guaranteed, not on the first time you go on with modded content, but within a week or so. I knew a couple guys on xbl that modded and had at least 5 accounts becuase each week theyd get banned. The one guy is now legit and among the top 20 in the nation. The other guy is also now legit and is also extremely good. Youre hearing this all from a former halo 2 modder and now a full-time xbox modder :D
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