Recent content by saltyseadog

  1. S

    Rebuild Advice Needed?.

    Thanks for the replies folks. In the end I just went ahead and bought the parts above plus a 1TB HDD and a copy of Windows 10. My wife convinced me on it as my eldest grand daughter wants a PC. As I have an old busted MSI PC I used to use as a music centre in my loft workshop I will use the...
  2. S

    Rebuild Advice Needed?.

    I built my present PC around 5-6yrs ago and have noticed recently some signs of GPU degredation. To keep costs down, instead of buying a complete new set of parts would it be possible to just buy a new motherboard, CPU and Graphics Card and replace the existing ones. I found the following parts...
  3. S

    Slipstreaming a Bootable WinXP Home Edition SP3 Question?. (help needed)

    Everything went fine I made the disc on my 64 bit Win7 PC using nLite and following the instructions from a YouTube video I downloaded. As I had already installed the XP SP3 update I haven't tried the new disc but next time I have to reinstall at least I have it to hand rather than the rigmarole...
  4. S

    Ethernet Adapter Question?.

    Thanks very much for this timely advice. I spent a fruitless couple of hours trying to get a WiFi adapter to connect to my Virgin hub before realising that the built in card is not capable of wifi. I came on the PC tonight to check out a new card for an old PC and on checking my email saw that...
  5. S

    Ethernet Adapter Question?.

    The cable I have is quite long and I don't want to go drilling holes through walls etc. Also for some reason I am being limited to 10Mbps on the XP machine while my Win7 main PC is getting the full 200Mbps. My wife's tablet and mobile phone get a great service from the WiFi from the Virgin...
  6. S

    Ethernet Adapter Question?.

    I have recently installed an old WinXP desktop PC to my workshop. It lay in the loft the last few years packed and unused. I have it all working now updated to XP SP3 final updates and it is at present connecting to the internet through a long Cat5E cable from my Virgin superhub 2 modem. The XP...
  7. S

    Slipstreaming a Bootable WinXP Home Edition SP3 Question?. (help needed)

    Thanks for that, downloaded and in the process of slipstreaming now.
  8. S

    Slipstreaming a Bootable WinXP Home Edition SP3 Question?. (help needed)

    I came across this thread from here while reinstalling an old WinXP SP2 Home Edition PC to my workshop. I know it is a very old thread and the links...
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