Recent content by Goblin1986

  1. G

    All contacts from cell phone have dissapeared

    Mmm thank you!!! We will check this point later on today.
  2. G

    All contacts from cell phone have dissapeared

    I think he did not((( How to find out, please help!
  3. G

    All contacts from cell phone have dissapeared

    Guys I have a great trouble, even not me my husband ( He has sony ericson experia ray and recently all contacts have disappeared from it, who can help us? Is it possible to recover them some how? He did have a lot of very important contacts there .. Please help us!
  4. G

    Samsung Galaxy Alpha

    I saw a lot of big boards in my city advertising samsung galaxy alpha and I decided to look through its description, is sounds pretty good. Has anybody bought it which feedback can you give on this phone? My sister would like to change her cell phone does it worth changing?
  5. G

    Is it possible to hack a cell phone?

    Can I put hacking software only on blackberry or samsung as well? I do not know how to do a factory reset!( Is it difficult to do it?
  6. G

    Computer is slow

    I think the main reason is that you do have a lot of startup and your computer disc can be overwhelmed with unnecessary programs, I recommend you to ask for professional to help or very soon you will have to re install your windows
  7. G

    Please, help with antivirus!

    Wow ok I will do so, but it sounds difficult because I am not a very good friend with my computer..
  8. G

    The best programs for Ipad Iphone!

    Mmm a lot of variants you have recommended I even do not know what to add to this list
  9. G

    TV Box

    mm that is interesting thanks!!!
  10. G

    Useless cell phone features

    You know I have looked several videos about this scanner and I have changed my mind it is really pretty good thing secure and comfortable!!!
  11. G

    Tablet for video watching

    Ok, thanks if I am not from the USA can you recommend me several more sites?
  12. G

    Please, help with antivirus!

    Hi folks! I used avast antivirus and while scanning my laptop one serious virus was found, the name of it troyan! How can i get rid of it? I will be very thankful if somebody can help me with this matter!!!
  13. G

    TV Box

    I would like to stream movies from streaming services such as Netflix I quess
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