Recent content by Emily

  1. E

    Script Help?

    What about it isn't working? Is it just not writing to the file or is there an error message or something?
  2. E

    how fast can you

    I got a 2.662, it's #11 on the high scores for today.
  3. E

    microwaving a grape.Hmmmm......

    I know this thread is a little on the old side, but I had to jump in here with some things to microwave that make really cool plasma: - light a match and stick it in the microwave, put a jar over the match and microwave it for thirty seconds. You have to be really quick with this one because if...
  4. E

    not really new

    No! With the toilet seat gone, what am I going to nag you guys about? ;) kfc - there were a lot of reasons I left... I was working a lot and I knew college apps were coming up, and I was a little fed up with the skyrocketing testosterone level around here. Which is probably still around, but...
  5. E

    not really new

    Hi everybody - I'm not really new, I used to be a mod here and then left a while ago for a variety of reasons. Last week I got into the college I want to go to, so now I'm finding myself really bored with high school, and I thought I'd check in with TF again and say hi and see how everybody's...
  6. E

    car accident

    Touche, I'm gonna go read a book. (just for the record, my parents aren't well-off)
  7. E

    car accident

    Funny guy. I'm sure you wouldn't let it just slide by if I said something like gamers are ugly loners.
  8. E

    car accident

    So you're saying with complete confidence and absolutely no room for error that I can't drive?
  9. E

    car accident

    Some women, not all women... :rolleyes:
  10. E

    Anyone have a Myspace? Also: and
  11. E

    Live Stock Market Prices to my site

    I don't know much about the stock market, but my cousin runs a company that might or might not have to do with what you're asking for.
  12. E

    AP tests

    Yeah I think I was 14 when I became a mod... I think something like half of the mod team is under 18. Three down, one to go. Just physics left. My teacher only got us through about 85% of the curriculum, but at least it'll all be over soon. :cool:
  13. E

    AP tests

    Who's taking which ones? I've got two down, two to go... already did Eng. Lang and Comp Sci A, and I've got US History and Physics B left. (I'm only posting this thread because I'm putting off studying for history...)
  14. E

    Trigonometry help...

    What are you supposed to be solving for in that diagram?
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