Recent content by Dragonjames2

  1. Dragonjames2


    Lol, i work for sainsburys but we have some nice computers
  2. Dragonjames2

    Cordless Optical TrackBall Vs Cordless Optical Mouse

    I have a trackball and infra red mouse. the infra red is way better cos those big balls are hard togame with
  3. Dragonjames2

    AIM section

    i dunno wot this all means!
  4. Dragonjames2

    AMD or Intel?

    Look myy lordship, everyone knows that kias are naff. The Cauxhall Zafira way beats it including the sporty 2.0 turbo version. Kia's never win prizes they are slow, cheaply made and boring
  5. Dragonjames2

    President Bushes hotmail account

    Now now no political thoughts here
  6. Dragonjames2


    You toad. You cant whip me, i am older than u!
  7. Dragonjames2


    I am at university studying accounting and finacne and i work at sainsburys. You?
  8. Dragonjames2

    AMD or Intel?

    Mo they dont make voodoos now. Err Kias get the worst right ups. they are slow, thirsty and i hate them!
  9. Dragonjames2

    Word Association

  10. Dragonjames2

    Word Association

    Hmmm someone following me like vomit flowing up one's oesophagus Word: Yuck!
  11. Dragonjames2


    i will try but with you catching up it will be hard indeed
  12. Dragonjames2

    AMD or Intel?

    Er Kia? they dont their MPV's are shite!!! wot you on about they are awful
  13. Dragonjames2

    Word Association

  14. Dragonjames2


    well i am sorry for being so big# lol
  15. Dragonjames2

    AMD or Intel?

    i used to have a voodoo 2 Nvidia are easily better
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