Recent content by BlazingWolf

  1. B

    game programming language?

    Don't start out trying to make games, because it is very difficult learn a langauge first, program some other things and then mabey look at programming a game.
  2. B

    guild wars problems

    Make sure you add your key to the game. You can't just install and login even if the account was already created.
  3. B

    Physx Users Yet?

    I'm starting to wonder why a card thats doing mainly math problems needs 128-256MB of ram but whatever... I think if developers start to use them with Unreal 3 they will start to become a lot more popular, and they need to go down in price, seeing as how they aren't even neccesary yet they...
  4. B

    Sony Got owned

    Really starting to get a kick of the console wars. Everyone is so quick to say "x is better than y" often with false information or just their own opinion.
  5. B

    Gears of War

    It's going to be beautiful, but weather or not it will be a good game remains to be seen.
  6. B

    If you could be...

    Snake...or Bond.
  7. B

    PSP Writable UMD?

    Well it a hacker won't be able to make UMB discs and burner from sracth he would need a manufacturer, and no sane manufacturer would infrige patents(knowingly anyway). That is assuming Sony has a patent on something to do with UMD like you made it sound.
  8. B

    LEAK: Call of Duty 3

    Most COD1 gamers would tell you COD2 was a huge step backwards.
  9. B

    Keyboard and mouse or controller?

    It depends what your playing! For an FPS or an RTS i like keyboad and mouse. For a racing game I would take a control with an analog stick any day.
  10. B

    PHP Include Question

    Thats wrong. You can still use this kind of naviagation with no problem. But you can't access the varible with $pageid you have to use $_GET['pageid'] The most common way this is done, is to with a switch statement. switch($_GET['pageid'] { case "top10": include("top10.php"); break; case...
  11. B

    Page displays in IE but not FF

    Easiest way to get it to correctly display in both broweser is to make to CSS style sheets one for each browers, because IE interprets it so much different. If you go back a version in IE it will look totally different or mabey even not display at all. I would also suggest to design with FF...
  12. B

    Need help making a gaming server

    A gaming server needs primarily processing power, ram, and a GOOD upload connection(download is assumed). If you have 802.11g and you place the computer right next your access point you should have an trouble with the wireless because you internet connection will be far slower than your...
  13. B

    games and RAM

    Games, will use as much RAM as they can, but most games also require certain things to be stored in the swap space, so don't be suprise if you swap space usage doesn't go down when you get more ram. I upgraded to 1gig RAM from 512 and my swap usage for the most part was the same but I...
  14. B

    learning c#

    syphers04's first link is a little advanced for a beginner. It starts out talking about MSIL which you don't need to know at all to begin learning C#. I suggest you google for "beginner C# programming" or something like that.
  15. B

    Enough to play WOW?

    You probably play but your framerate might be poor, so your game might be a little jerky, give it a try with your friends account and see how it is. A Geforce 2 isn't much better than integrated graphics these days.
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